Episode 16: Jason and Tom talking Snapchat, Selfie Sticks, and Raspberry Pi

Show Takeaways

Start the 3:40 mark where Tom and I discuss 2016 goals as there was some technical difficulties

Tom and Jason enjoy the social interaction maybe even more so than the sessions at conferences

Jason is looking at Snapchat as a source of engagement for other freelancers

Tom is looking for a potential opportunity in building a Raspberry Pi device to help people

On this episode Tom and Jason hang out because we had some major fails. Technical issues, video and audio quality, and some general rust that we need to shake off. Our intention is to have a series of guests to come on board to help us see the landscape of Javascript and WordPress. Scott Bolinger was supposed to be our first guest, however there were some difficulties and he dropped off the show. Tom and Jason took the ball and went off on a tangent of a few different things such as Raspberry Pi, Snapchat, selfie sticks, and other items that are linked up below.

Show Notes

  • Tom and Jason talk about how they don’t really set yearly resolutions, but set out the year with some general goals in mind.
  • Scott has some technical difficulties and pulls his chair away from the table at around 16:15 mark.
  • WP Dev Table’s schedule of guest – Josh Pollock, Tim Nash, and Zac Gordon all talking about WordPress, Javascript, and some other fun things.
  • Are we going to attend WooConf, Pressnomics? Which WordCamps we plan on attending?
  • Engaging and meeting people at conferences that you work with virtually.
  • Tom bought a selfie stick for himself. And a laptop battery that seems really cool.
  • Jason has started using Snapchat for telling the story of his business, showing behind the scenes of his work day, and giving valuable tips and tricks for freelancers to shape their business. Follow him on Snapchat: jasonresnick
  • Tom has been thinking about getting into the hardware space with Raspberry Pi to help folks with disabilities know what phone calls need to be made and have been made. Anyone know if there’s a product like this out there? Please let us know.
  • Mod an Aeropress to help the action of pushing it down.
  • Amazon Echo and automating Todos.
Get In Touch With Jason and Tom on Twitter


Great video.
Thanks for sharing.

Snapchat is an amazing platform, but packed with bugs! I’ve been using Snapchat for about 2yrs now, and I love it, even though I do believe it works better on iOS

snap chat is a great app with all to so stickers and stories feature but it works more smoothly and efficiently on iOS than Android

The article you have shared here is very awesome. I really like and appreciate your work. The points you have mentioned in this article are useful. I must try to follow these points and also share others

All the ideas are so charming,Great post. snapchat rocks

Is it true that Snapchat is also introducing some kind of Monetization?

Thanks so much for sharing this awesome info! I am looking forward to see more posts by you!

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